Refreshing an Acctivate license for new users or modules.

This article explains how to sync your license with our servers to add new modules or users.

Acctivate includes many additional, optional modules that can be added at anytime.  Please contact the sales team to obtain a list of modules and pricing.

Please use the following instructions to update your system after the confirmation email is received from our office.  We highly recommend that you first upgrade to the latest version of Acctivate before enabling any new features or adding users.

Instructions to Refresh License

The Acctivate license is periodically synchronized with our servers.  You can manually synchronize the license at anytime using the the refresh license button. 

  1. Launch Acctivate from any computer.
  2. Log in to your Acctivate company.
  3. Click License Information from the Help menu in Acctivate.
  4. Press Refresh to synchronize your license with our servers.
    1. Refresh-1
  5. Confirm the newly purchased module or increased user account appears in the Licensed Options list
We recommend that all network users restart Acctivate after the licensed options has been updated.