Acctivate Integration with Intacct

Intacct_Logo_2014Acctivate offers a real-time integration to Intacct, synchronizing the operational data from Acctivate with the financial accounting data in Intacct.  It is a two-way synchronization, but some transactions should be primarily entered in Acctivate and others in Intacct.

The most common question we get from Intacct customers is related to where transactions should be entered.  The best way to answer that question is that non-accounting, operational transactions should be entered in Acctivate and Intacct is responsible for financial accounting transactions.

For example, Customer Sales Orders should entered in Acctivate only.  The Customer Sales Invoice will be created in Acctivate, then immediately synchronized to Intacct A/R.  The Customer Invoice will then be managed in Intacct, including any subsequent payments, adjustments, etc.  It is possible to accept a payment with the Customer Sales Order, but the payment will be managed by Intacct as soon as it is created.

The Intacct Integration is very robust, but here are some comments on the most frequently asked questions.  This is definitely not a complete list.  Please contact the Acctivate team for more information.

  • Customers can be created in either Intacct or Acctivate and are immediately synchronized to the other system.  We recommend that customers be created and maintained in Acctivate, since Acctivate has many more customer attributes.  However, there are a few Intacct-only fields may be updated directly in Intacct, such as Account Label and Territory ID.
  • Vendors are only created in Intacct and immediately available for Acctivate Purchase Orders.
  • Acctivate does not use Intacct Customer Sales Orders or Vendor Purchase Orders.
  • Acctivate creates Intacct A/R Invoices, A/P Invoices and G/L Journal Entries (for Inventory and COGS).
  • Acctivate has a configurable integration to Intacct Dimensions for each Transaction Type.
  • The Item “Dimension” is set for all transactions.  An Intacct Non-Inventoried Item is created the first time an accounting transaction is created for the item*.
  • Acctivate tracks Inventory Quantity On Hand and Unit Cost for each item.  Total inventory value is synchronized to Intacct via G/L Journals for Inventory Receipts, Adjustments, and Cost of Goods Sold.
  • Many Intacct Configuration Lists are synchronized for use in Acctivate (e.g., Terms)

*Some companies will have tens (or hundreds) of thousands of items in their Acctivate Product list, but only a very small percentage of items that are bought or sold.  This allows you to import your vendors’ entire product list and make it accessible to your sales and purchasing teams.

Posted in Intacct - Last modified on September 9, 2015
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