List of Acctivate Database Maintenance commands

Acctivate Database Maintenance supports backing up and upgrading company files from a command line.  Here is the list of commands and the available arguments, below, with links to find out more about how each of these is used in further detail.

Each of the following routines require calling AcctivateDBMaint.exe from the Acctivate master directory.

Back up Acctivate from the Command Line

Backup Command Arguments:

  • /B /C Company [/F BackupFile] [/D BackupDescription] [/O] [/SILENT]
  • /B = Backup
  • /C = Company ID
  • /F = Backup Filename (If empty, use default. If relative path, use default path)
  • /D = Backup Description
  • /O = Overwrite existing backup
  • /SILENT = Suppress popup dialog boxes,

Upgrade Acctivate from the command line

Update Command Arguments:

  • /U /C Company [/SILENT]
  • /U = Update database
  • /C = Company ID
  • /QUIET = Errors will be displayed but no informational messages
  • /SILENT = Suppress all errors and informational messages