
“Could not load file or assembly…” error received when releasing Sales Order

After updating to version 9.0+ you may experience the following error when trying to Invoice a Sales Order: “Could not load file or assembly ‘System.Core, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089’ or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.

Posted in Sales

UPS Handling Charge Options

In some cases where you’re using Shipping Manager in conjunction with UPS Worldship you need to apply a flat rate handling fee to the packages created for Sales Orders.   In doing so you may have noticed that upon import

Posted in Add-On Modules, Configuration

Creating and Tracking Customer Deposits

Customer Deposits: Some companies receive deposits from their customers before they will process an order. In many cases, this deposit can be received directly into QuickBooks, then after creating an invoice in Acctivate and syncing it, the payment can be applied

Posted in Customer, Sales

Mobile Inventory Count module

Mobile Inventory Count is a module that is included with the Inventory Management module which allows you to view, and edit Inventory Counts created in the Acctivate system. Using the Mobile Count module: Prior to continuing please review how to prepare a Count

Posted in Inventory, Mobile

Mobile Inventory Assembly module

Mobile Inventory Assembly is an add-on module that allows you to create Inventory Assembly sessions for Assembly products within Acctivate Using the Mobile Assembly module To begin, the admin user will need to decide if they would like Assemblies posted

Posted in Inventory, Mobile

Using multiple Component Lot Numbers during Assembly Transaction

When creating Assemblies with lot numbered components you may experience a scenario in which the individual lot quantities are not sufficient enough to fully satisfy the required assembly quantity. Since Acctivate only allows the use of one Lot Number per

Posted in Inventory

Drop Shipping Lot/Serial controlled Inventory Items

If you are selling a Serial or Lot numbered item on a Drop ship sales order you may have received the following message in regards to ‘line #x missing serial/lot number’ when attempting to create the Sales Order Invoice: In

Posted in Sales

Positive Credit Memo sync error

Ordinarily credit memos are negative transactions due to the return of goods to inventory and negative amount removed from your accounts. But there is one scenario that does not work when attempting to keep the overall Total Amount negative. Example:

Posted in Sales

Magento web store Shipment export error

In some instances during the web store shipment export for Magento you may receive the following error message after creating shipments for imported web orders: Call sales_order_shipment.create (‘xxxxxxxxxx’, {}) resulted in exception #102: Cannot do shipment for order. (Subdocument ‘shipment’)

Posted in Web Store Integration

Integration with WordPress based web stores

By default WordPress based web stores do not include the necessary API component to connect externally with the Acctivate system.  You will need to have the proper API(Application Programming Interface) created by a WordPress developer.  This component is necessary to

Posted in Web Store Integration
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