
Advanced Import Options

When importing data into Acctivate, you’ll notice the Options tab in the Import Data – Mapping Editor window. These options give you the necessary control over what gets imported into the Acctivate fields vs what’s ignored. Duplicate Handling These options tell

Posted in Import Data

Cannot open speadsheet error when attempting to import data from an Excel file

The following error may be returned when attempting to import data from an excel file. “Cannot open spreadsheet.  Make sure the file is in the Microsoft Office Excel Workbook format, the workbook is not protected, and you have the proper

Posted in Import Data

Import Component Lists from Excel or CSV files

The Import Data function allows you to import a list of components for Assembly and/or Kit items from products that already exist in the system using the Product Component import type. The import will assign existing products as components of existing kits or

Posted in Import Data, Inventory

Update Products to be Available on the Web

Keep both the Acctivate product list and the shopping cart products up to date by exporting and/or importing a list of products available on the web in Acctivate. Since only products marked as Available on Web will be included in the

Posted in Import Data, Web Store Integration

Update Vendor Prices via the Import Data feature

The Import Data Feature permits you to quickly and easily change vendor prices in your system saving you time and a considerable amount of effort. This feature, which is included for free in the base Acctivate module, allows you to mass-update product

Posted in Database, Import Data, Inventory, Purchasing

Import new or update existing products from a file

The Import Products feature allows you to easily and quickly import a list of products and associated product information into Acctivate from an Excel file or a standard CSV file without having to type everything into the system manually. This import

Posted in Database, Import Data, Inventory

Import new or update existing Product Prices from a file

The Import Product Prices feature allows you to easily and quickly update product specific prices of already existing products in Acctivate. This can be done with an Excel file or a standard CSV file that contains products you already in

Posted in Import Data, Inventory
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