
How to Uninstall and Reinstall the Crystal Reports .NET Runtime Engine

There may be times when Acctivate Support suggests uninstalling and reinstalling the Crystal Reports .NET Runtime. This runtime engine consists of libraries and functions which are needed to preview all reports within Acctivate. The purpose of this help article is

Posted in Installation

“Invalid procedure call or argument” on any Acctivate lookup window

UPDATE (Aug 14, 2019):This problem was first resolved in Acctivate 10.3 sp7.  Please install the latest update from our Downloads page on your server. UPDATE 2 (Aug 15, 2019): Microsoft is investigating the problem according to KB4512488.  The Acctivate development

Posted in Installation

Could Not Load File or Assembly … The system cannot find the file specified

After an Acctivate update, a workstation may run into this error: “Could not load file or assembly ‘CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine, Version=13.0.2000.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=692fbea5521e1304’ or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.” (error -2147024894) This error is typically caused

Posted in Installation, Reports, Start up


When installing the Acctivate on a workstation, an error screen may pop up saying “OBJ_STATUS_DISKSPACE_SPACE was not found” This error occurs when Acctivate is already installed on the workstation, or some remnants of a previous install are present. **If you

Posted in Installation

“Acctivate data source not found…”

This message appears when you don’t have a data source with the name of “Acctivate” in Acctivate database maintenance. Acctivate allows for multiple data sources to be configured in database maintenance (or the acct.ini) but at least one of these

Posted in Database, Installation

“Acctivate could not install all the required updates. Error 1935” may be received when updating Acctivate

After updating Acctivate, new components will install that may affect the existing installation. If one of these components fail to install during the Acctivate update, see the Acctivate Log to see which component it is. Since 10.3 crystal reports components

Posted in Installation, Launch Acctivate, Start up, Technology

Using your Old Acctivate Server as your Sandbox Environment

Acctivate can be installed and set up in a test environment, which may also be referred to as a Sandbox environment.  In order to use Acctivate in a Sandbox environment, you will need to register Acctivate using a Sandbox license.

Posted in Installation, Technology

Unified Installer for Acctivate’s Quickbooks Edition

Prior to the release of Acctivate version 10.3, we used to have a multiple versions of our Quickbooks Edition installer on our downloads page. Depending on where your country of operation was (the US, UK, Canada, or Australia), you’d need

Posted in Installation

Update vs Cumulative Update

When updating Acctivate to a new version, a user has the option to use the regular Update or the Cumulative Update. This article will explain the difference between the two, and when they should be used. The Update contains considerably less

Posted in Installation

Resolving the “Side by Side Configuration” error when updating Acctivate

An error that may appear after updating Acctivate is as follows: The application has failed to start because the side-by-side configuration is incorrect. Please see the application event log for more details. Typically, users encounter this error upon attempting to

Posted in Installation
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