
Prepay Vendor Purchase Order

Some Vendors may require you prepay a portion or all of a Purchase Order. To accommodate this, you would write the check to the vendor from QuickBooks for the prepayment amount. Once you receive the bill from the vendor, you would

Posted in Purchasing, QuickBooks and Sync

Understanding Sales Order and Purchase Order Date Fields

The Sales Order and Purchase Order window in Acctivate contain date fields which can be used to manage your sales and purchasing processes. The date fields can be used to determine when a sales order is due to your customer or when you

Posted in Purchasing, Sales

Void Purchase Invoice

Occasionally, the need arises to void a Purchase Invoice due to mistakes or needing to update some of the information. The steps to void a PO Invoice are listed below: Open the Purchase Order lined to the PO Invoice from the Purchase Order

Posted in Purchasing

Sync Warning “Invoice Amount has changed”

From time to time you may notice a sync warning stating something like: “2016/02/24 14:12:57 Warning Invoice The amount of invoice B3350Z has changed from $10.00 in Acctivate to $20.00 in QuickBooks.“ First, it’s important to understand that these are

Posted in Accounting, Purchasing, QuickBooks and Sync, Sales

Include quantities on POs in available quantity

Acctivate has the option to include quantities on POs in the available quantity. When this option is enabled, quantities of items that are on Purchase Orders, but have not been received, will be included in the warehouse’s available quantity. This allows

Posted in Configuration, Inventory, Purchasing

“Missing GL Expense account…” error trying to create Purchase Invoice

The following message may appear when creating a Purchase Invoice when expense account has not been selected on PO: Missing GL Expense account for line number 1, Purchase Invoice was not created This is most likely the result of Standard

Posted in Purchasing

“There were no posted transactions found…” may be received when creating a Landed Cost session

This message may appear whenever creating a landed cost session from the PO Invoice window when the Approved amount is for items that have not been received yet. This message appeared here because the items that were received are not

Posted in Purchasing

View Vendor Bill in QuickBooks

After creating a Vendor Bill and running a synchronization, you will need to log into QuickBooks to view and pay the supplier. When integrated with Acctivate, you’ll notice the Vendor Bills will change in QuickBooks. The item list has been

Posted in Purchasing, QuickBooks and Sync

Cannot Change Product ID after Posting Receipt

Once a user has processed an Inventory Receipt for an item listed on a Purchase Order, Acctivate will not allow them to switch out the Product ID for a different one. They will receive a message similar to the one below:

Posted in Purchasing

Accrued Purchase Receipts Reconciliation

Consider the following to help in your Accrued Purchase Receipts (also known as Purchase Suspense) reconciliation. Start with these concepts to understand issues you may be having in current procedures that are causing accounts to be off balance: Account DR

Posted in Purchasing, QuickBooks and Sync
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