
New/Modified Crystal report doesn’t load in Acctivate

Below, you will find steps to troubleshoot if your newly created or modified Crystal report does not load correctly in Acctivate. First, determine which report file is being used Acctivate by going to File > Configuration Management > Reports > Report Catalog. The

Posted in Reports

Login to Acctivate database in Crystal Reports

When working with Crystal Reports, it will prompt you to log into the database to access your company information. This will also allow you to preview your data within Crystal Reports. Follow these steps to log into the database: Select

Posted in Reports

Resize and maximize Acctivate windows

Acctivate  features several windows that users are able to maximize and resize at their convenience to view more information at once. The system also has the ability to remember the size of each window for when it is reopened at a

Posted in Business Activity, Configuration, Customer, Inventory, Purchasing, Reports, Sales

Barcode fonts not found

When starting Acctivate for the first time, ID Automation Barcode fonts will be copied from the \\..\ACCTivate\ClientFiles folder into the C:\Windows\Fonts folder.  However, users have witnessed these barcode fonts being copied into the user fonts folder in the user directory.

Posted in Installation, Reports

Shipping Label Format (GS1-128)

UCC/GS1-128 Shipping Label

Acctivate can generate standard GS1-128 shipping labels often required by EDI Trading Partners.  These labels were formerly know as UCC/EAN-128 labels, depending on your region. For the SSCC portion of the barcode, you’ll need to be sure to setup the

Posted in EDI, Reports, Shipping

Connect to the Acctivate Database with Microsoft Access

Open Microsoft Access. Click External Data (or Data) in the Microsoft Access Ribbon toolbar Select ODBC Database or if older version ‘More’ ODBC Database from import/link section Select Link to the Data Source by creating a linked table Select ‘Machine Data Source’ tab

Posted in Database, Reports

Configure Sales Invoice to include backordered items

How do I get the invoice report to only display items that are being invoiced? There is a configuration option for determining how to include backordered items on sales invoice(s). The Print backorder on invoices option is located in Configuration Management

Posted in Configuration, Reports, Sales

Barcodes for Warehouse Locations

In order to create a barcode font that you can use to scan in the Warehouse Location, you have to create a formula in Crystal Reports in order to designate the barcode as a “Warehouse Location” barcode. In Crystal Reports,

Posted in Inventory, Reports

Update Company Address on Reports

Most data fields on Acctivate reports are pulled from the relevant transaction (e.g. Sales Order). However, the Company Information, such as Company Name, Address, Phone, Fax and Email are maintained in Configuration Management . Use the following instructions to update

Posted in Reports

Use Microsoft Query to display data from multiple tables in Microsoft Excel

The following instructions can be used to set up a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet to display information dynamically linked from multiple Acctivate tables using the Microsoft Query tool. The data can be refreshed to view real-time information from Acctivate at anytime.

Posted in Database, Reports
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